Recheck the Origin of Taekwondo

Recheck the Origin of Taekwondo

Recheck the Origin of Taekwondo

There are words that are often heard in the recent Korea-Japan economic war. It is a term such as international cooperation and division of labor between countries.

Close countries are organically intertwined, helping and receiving each other, which is also called economic blocs.  These blocks can also be seen in martial arts.

Usually, Northeast Asian martial arts have similar parts, and southern China and Southeast Asian martial arts are similar. Martial arts in the Middle East are similar in their own way, and so are European martial arts. As each nation and country is located in a nearby area, there was a lot of exchanges.

I have already posted an article about the wrestling belt and the striking belt in southern Asia. Martial arts also exist, maintaining close relationships by block.

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                                            Is there a gene that developed from a single origin?

Then how should we analyze the genes and lineage of Taekwondo?

There are many views that Taekwondo originated in Okinawa Karate. This is undeniable and over half of the genes that make up Taekwondo are definitely from Okinawa.

Okinawa Karate was not originally Okinawa’s martial arts. Its roots come from southern China, from southern China, Fujian and Guangdong.

The martial arts known to have influenced Okinawa are Five Ancestor Fist and White Crane Fist. It was predominantly in the coastal area of Fujian Province, and was transferred to Okinawa via a route through Taiwan. Fujian and Okinawa are geographically close, and there has been a lot of human and physical exchanges since ancient times through the island of Taiwan.

The characteristics of martial arts in southern China, according to the official view of the Chinese Guangdong Martial Arts Association, is yelling. Currently, Taekwondo yells when it is doing a movement. And Karate, too.

The presence of yelling in taekwondo shows that taekwondo originally contains the root gene of southern China. It is a natural thing that originated in Okinawa Karate.

Martial arts from southern China were brought to Okinawa, and karate from Okinawa to Japan came into Korea and merged with Korea’s own martial arts and martial arts from northern China. And it was reestablished as a martial art called Taekwondo. At that time, there were a lot of martial arts in northern China, such as the Bajiquan and Shaolinquan.

In mainland China, the martial arts of the north and the martial arts of the south did not merge. In Korea, however, it was recreated as a new martial art that fuses Chinese martial arts of the north and south. Taekwondo is a perfect fusion of East Asian martial arts.

The Korean peninsula of the 20th century was a melting pot of East Asian martial arts. 

Looking at the flow and fusion of East Asian martial arts over the past 100 years, and from that point of view, where is the nationality of Taekwondo?

The gene of Taekwondo is all martial arts in East Asia, and the current nationality is clearly Korea. Taekwondo was the product of international cooperation, and the result was a Martial art that entered the Olympics in the shortest time. This is an unchangeable truth. It is now a time of value and significance to have a variety of roots rather than a single origin. It is rather proud that Taekwondo was formed through cooperation in East Asia.

Are you a person living in the 19th century? Will the 21st century live? What attitude you take is your decision.

The following video is a people who are shocked by the results of DNA tests related to finding their origin.

(Editor’s note: In Korea, the prevailing view that Taekwondo has been passed down to a single origin since ancient times.)