South Korean Taekwondo Hand Techniques Created to Stop North Korean Threats

South Korean Taekwondo Hand Techniques Created to Stop North Korean Threats

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Is there a unique hand technique in Taekwondo? Taekwondo has unique hand technique. But that was the result of military competition with North Korea. Just as the moon landing in the United States was the product of a systemic competition with the Soviet Union.

In modern martial arts, boxing is the most efficient and practical thing, such as hand technique and foot work.

In comparison, the hand techniques of Chinese martial arts, taekwondo, and Japanese martial arts are premodern and differ from modern fighting theories. The way of life, including man’s movements and clothing, has changed, but Traditional martial arts still adheres to and teaches premodern methods.

In Chinese martial arts, there are techniques to hold traditional clothes and to hold hair. There are many technique that are out of fashion right now.

Why don’t you think about oriental martial arts hand techniques that accept the benefits of boxing and maintain the style of oriental martial arts? What is the reason why Chinese martial arts cannot participate in MMA?

But that happened. It is also from Korea. It also happened in Taekwondo where the kick was a special skill.

In the early history of Taekwondo, several Taekwon schools were integrated into Kukkiwon that Taekwondo World Headquarters. However, even at this time, there were outsiders who kept their own ‘school’ without entering Kukkiwon. They share the traditions and names of Taekwondo, but they are groups and people outside Kukkiwon.

The ITF created by Choi Hong-hee went into North Korea and developed. In fact, the development of taekwondo was possible through system competition. While South Korea’s Taekwondo tried to become an Olympic sport to win the system competition with North Korea, North Korea, which was far from the world system, would not have been able to do this.

In the late 1960s, Taekwondo was defeated terribly in the fighting process with North Koreans who learned North korea style fighting arts and South Korean soldiers who learned taekwondo. At this time, there was no Taekwondo in North Korea.

[Martial Arts Report] Study on North Korean Martial Arts 

The martial arts competition between the North Koreans and South Koreans took place several times. The purpose of this match was to find the weaknesses of North Korean martial arts. The North Koreans who participated in this competition were, of course, those who defected to the South. In this match, South Korean soldiers have won and North Korean soldiers have won.

On the other hand, the Taekwondo people who were defeated by the North Koreans in the match, questioned whether Taekwondo was practical.

Why did we have to be brutally defeated by North Korea’s martial arts? Is there any  solution?

There is a sense of crisis that the taekwondo may be defeated in a systemic competition that must overcome North Korea unconditionally. For the South Koreans at that time, losing the competition with North Korea was a terrible thing.

At that time, Taekwondo people gathered and devised a Korean-style hand technique ‘Four way chart’  Four way chart was like boxing, like Wing Chun, but it was a technique that could combine the merits of boxing with the advantages of oriental martial arts in a bare hands without a glove.

In the late 1960s, The military competition between the two Koreas has reached its peak. The people who produced the Four way chart at the time would have been immensely desperate. This desperation created a ‘Four way chart’.

1977 News Article “The World of Martial Arts”

What is seen in the old article above is ‘Four way chart’. The Taekwondo moonmoo-kwan is a name given by Choi Hong-hee, meaning that if you are an Martial artist, you must combine literary and martial arts. moonmoo is literary and martial arts. kwan is school.

At present, Taekwondo moonmookwan are almost gone. Because Choi Hong-hee went to North Korea to supply Taekwondo. Choi Hong-hee’s disciples could be framed as a spy for North Korea. Therefore, the disciples did not use the name of moonmoo-kwan because of their safety.

The four way chart have been changed to yin-yang technique. The yin-yang technique by the four way chart was named as a technique to break North Korean martial arts. Although not included in Kukkiwon Taekwondo  style, Yin-Yang technique are still developing.

The confrontation between the two Koreas also affected martial arts. In the midst of the conflict between the two Koreas, Taekwondo in South Korea made a ‘four way chart’ to beat North Korea martial arts.

Four way chart is a unique Korean Taekwondo hand technique. It is interesting that it is an oriental martial arts hand technique and a modern hand technique different from boxing.

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